Saturday, January 18, 2014

What Would You do if You had the Answers?

What Would You do if You had the Answers?

Giving that this is my first blog, I wanted to start off with something that has been on my mind for the longest of times... Answers! What would you do if you had them?
Some, want the answers on how to be famous or how to get millions without having to work for it, but the only answer (that has taken me for what seems like forever to find) is... Wait for it.... Wait a little more.... Just a little longer.... (OK, now I'm doing to much!) but the answer is easier then you think... it's you... Literally, what is the answer to your dreams? To all the things that you want? IT'S YOU!
You have to be willing and dedicated to get what you want! Don't let anyone tell you that you can't do anything because of the color of your skin, or where you come from or even who your parents are! You make yourself... and therefore, you make your answers! If you decide to go on with your life being a couch potato, be prepare to see nothing happening! Don't sit around waiting for anything to happen FOR you but BY you!
So, I conclude my first blog with a GET YOU BUTT UP! And go for your dream(s)! No matter what it is, don't be one of those people on those stupid commercials saying, "I was nothing, I sat on the couch watching T.V. everyday until I decided to pick up the phone and MAKE THAT CALL!" Aha! Hell, even they did something!! So, for whatever you want to do... GO DO IT! Because you are the answer!
And in the words of my annoying, yet great, History teacher, "Bad habits, die hard!"
- Leilani Loa-Neal
         (The face you make when you realize that I'm RIGHT and you want to give me a huge hug!!!)

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